We will begin a four week Advent series this coming Lord’s Day. The sermon for the first Sunday in Advent will focus on the identity of the promised Messiah. the sermon text will be John 7:37-43.
Here are some questions to help you prepare for this sermon.
1. Verse 43 tells us that there was division among the people. Why was there division?
2. The people John identifies in verses 41b-42 obviously knew the Bible and were committed to allowing the Bible guide their thoughts. Yet they still questioned whether Jesus was the Messiah. Why? What could they have done differently to avoid being mistaken?
3. Do we make similar mistakes in the way we apply the Bible to circumstances in our lives?
4. What two prophecies were the people speaking about in verse 42? Where do we find these prophecies first given? Why are each of these prophecies important to the identify of the Messiah?
5. Why do you think God gave prophecies for identifying the Messiah long before Jesus was born? What purposes did/do these prophecies serve? Why didn’t God just wait until Jesus became incarnate and then make His identity so vividly clear that nobody would be able to mistake Him?